Monday, February 15, 2010



One of my favorite times of the year is nearly upon us. A time when I am filled with a youthful enthusiasm for life in general. That time: Major League Baseball Spring Training.

For many people it symbolizes a new beginning. I personally have a romanticized vision of ballplayers return from a winter exodus where they had scattered to the winds,converging on the states of Florida and Arizona to begin the yearly ritual anew.

Like when Dohnny Damon returned to Red Sox spring training in 2004 sporting a new look after apparently spending the off season on a spiritual quest somewhere in the Himalayas.

Veterans return to warm up and try and recalibrate their aging bodies and tap the residual skill that still exists in their bat or pitching arm, preparing for another 162 game six month marathon.

Rookies and minor leaguer's are there to strut their stuff in competition against each other and against the established veterans, hoping to win a spot on the roster or at least catch the eye of management. Remember each major league club as at least 5 minor league affiliates of 25 or more players all chasing the same dream. The dream of playing baseball at the Major League Level, of reaching "The Show"

Some, like myself, develop superstitions in their quest for greatness. PRAISE JOBU.

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