Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Odd Ballplayer Beliefs part 2

Darren "Dutch" Dalton

Darren Daulton was a major league catcher from 1983 until 1997. I personally remember him from early childhood when he played in the 1993 World Series as a member of the Phillie's.

"Dutch" was a solid catcher. 137 career home runs, a World Series title with the Marlins, and an all-star game appearance is nothing to laugh at.

That's why it is not his baseball career that people laugh at.

To quote Wikipedia Daulton has become notorious in the baseball community for "his unusual theories regarding human existence and time travel."

That is putting it nicely.

Daulton has claimed, essentially, that he has time traveled and is in tune to the vibrational energies that underlie the entire universe. On December 21, 2012, himself, other people in tune to the energies of the universe, and a bunch of Mayan architecture will "ascend into a new plane of existence."

Presumably one without DUI laws and the Toronto Blue Jays.

He also claims that his 2001 DUI arrest spawns from a errand he was running for the White House and FBI.

It's hard to believe that a guy would not report any odd experiences or beliefs when he has spent a significant portion of time hanging around with guys like this.

Here's a video interview from an ESPN report.

Seriously. Watch the video.

The thing that makes this bizarre is who this guy is to baseball fans that remember him. Darren Daulton was a HARDASS. He was a member of "Macho Row" with his "hard-playing-hard-living" teammates Lenny Dykstra and John Friggin' Kruk.

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